细腻品质,精致的高级工艺。生而不凡,轻奢的白蜡木 地板。

AS-01的white wash colour,给人呈现出一种北欧风格的感觉。北欧风格是以宁静,恬然,简约的氛围。白蜡木地板的锯切加工,使得白蜡木的纹理清晰可见,层次分明,结巴少,给人一种触感柔和像燃烧蜡烛一样的光滑质感。使人在城市里日夜奔波劳碌的疲倦感得到释放。白蜡木结合象牙白所曾献的是更加高级且纯粹的色彩,北欧简约冷淡风格会非常轻松的将家具以及厨房呈现出来。

木地板 ,天然的美感,色彩百搭
AS-02 nature colour,经典的自然木颜色和白蜡木天然清晰的纹理搭配能从视觉上延伸空间给人明亮通透的效果。富有艺术气息是白蜡木地板最大的特点,适合田园风格和现代简约风格,既能凸显出主人的生活品质,又能提升室内的整体 “颜值” 。天然木色会更加完美的衬托出黑与白的世界,明亮与暗淡都不是问题,百搭让生活更简单。

AS-03 smoky ash,深色系的地板给人带来一种厚重的安全感。当于浅色系的家具搭配,例如白色或者原木色家具,这个地板于家具形成强烈对比,让空间更有条理性,稳重中又不失轻松的家具氛围。天圆地方脚踏实地,即不灰暗也不光亮,居家品味如人生一般富有哲学。
Ash-mainly distributed in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, such as North America and parts of Europe. It is named because the sapwood is pale cream colour, and the wood is tough and elastic.
Ash wood is distinguished by clarity, consistent colour and strikingly beautiful prominent grain, exudes a quiet and beautiful romantic feeling, so as early as in the European period, ash wood has been loved by the royal nobility, often used to make luxury furniture.Ash-mainly distributed in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, such as North America and parts of Europe.
It is named because the sapwood is pale cream colour, and the wood is tough and elastic. Ash wood is distinguished by clarity, consistent colour and strikingly beautiful prominent grain, exudes a quiet and beautiful romantic feeling, so as early as in the European period, ash wood has been loved by the royal nobility, often used to make luxury furniture.European Ash wood perfect prime flooring.
Our flooring color designer, made three simply colors for Ash wood.
The white wash colour of AS-01 presents a feeling of Nordic style. The Nordic style is a quiet, serene, simple atmosphere. The sawing of the ash wood floor makes the texture of the ash wood clearly visible, with distinct layers and less knots, giving a soft texture like burning candles. It relieves the tiredness of working hard day and night of people in the city.
AS-02 nature colour, classic natural wood colour and natural clear texture of ash wood can extend the space visually and give a bright and transparent effect. Artistic atmosphere is the biggest feature of ash wood flooring, suitable for rural style and modern minimalist style, which can not only highlight the quality of life of the owner, but also enhance the overall “face value” of the interior.
AS-03 smoky ash, the dark floor gives a heavy sense of security. When paired with light-coloured furniture, such as white or wood-coloured furniture, this floor forms a strong contrast with the furniture, making the space more organized and stable yet relaxing.
Engineered floating wood flooring timber, Real oak wood plank.
GL Engineered wood flooring is both durable and resistant to changes in humidity.The floorboard is made from different species of wood layered together with a top layer of hardwood veneer. Due to the way it is made, engineered wood flooring is exceptionally strong and durable. It is also easy to install and usually slots together with a click-lock system.
GL flooring is a truly practical engineered oak collection, chosen for its strength, flexibility of installation and overall stability it really does offer you a long term solution to your engineered Oak floorboard installation.Has a more uniform and cleaner look that brings a refined elegance to a home. The lower knot content of GL collections gives a more contemporary appearance.
overlay hardwood flooring meets modern requirements and keeps a traditional timber floorboard appearance. The multiple layers of plywood backing give support to the visible top layer of the precious hardwood, resulting in a floorboard that looks and feels like a solid wood floorboard but with a much more efficient use of precious material and that can still be sanded and re-finished after years of use.
Engineered floating wood flooring timber, Real oak wood plank.