Tiles Damage During Transportation

Damage During Transportation, Dealing with the fragility of tiles during transportation and installation requires careful consideration and planning:

Initial Inspection:

Upon delivery, thoroughly inspect all tiles for any signs of damage, such as chips or cracks. It’s important to do this before beginning the installation to avoid the hassle of removing and replacing damaged tiles later.

Check each box as tiles can sometimes be damaged during packing or shipping even if the exterior of the box appears intact.

Reporting Damage:

If you find any damaged tiles, document the issues with photos and note the quantity affected. Contact the supplier immediately to report the problem. Providing detailed information and visual evidence can help expedite the process of obtaining replacements.

Understand the supplier’s policy on damaged goods beforehand, so you know the timeline and procedures for replacement or refunds.

Ordering Extra Tiles:

Consider purchasing an additional 10-15% more tiles than your project technically requires. This overage covers not only potential breakage during delivery or installation but also future repairs or modifications without the worry of matching dye lots or discontinued styles.

Store any leftover tiles in a safe place where they won’t be exposed to conditions that could cause damage, ensuring you have matching replacements readily available if needed.

Handling and Storage:

Handle each tile with care during unloading and moving to the installation site. Use appropriate techniques and tools, such as carrying cases or carts designed for tiles, to minimize the risk of accidental damage.

Store tiles flat and in a stable environment to prevent warping or stress fractures. Avoid stacking heavy materials on top of the tile boxes.

By implementing these strategies, you can minimize the risks associated with tile fragility, ensuring a smoother installation process and maintaining the integrity and appearance of your tiling project over time.

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