

​如今纽西兰有不少家庭都安装有地暖设备。地暖通过加热地面,通过地面辐射提升整个房间的温度,室内温度均匀,符合人体理想供热曲线,舒适度高。那么,在使用地暖产品的时候,对于地板有什么影响?又如何正确的使用地暖地板呢 (FLOORCO绝大部分产品都适用于地暖)?小编今天就为大家梳理一下这方面的知识。



1. 每年首次使用地热系统,以每天调高不超过3-5℃为宜,逐渐升温。地热系统在冬天采暖时,地板表面温度不允许超过27℃,否则高温烘烤会加速地板当中的水分流失,容易导致地板开裂。

2. 随着天气转冷,室外干燥的空气流入室内会加大干燥度,加速地板变形。这时,增加室内相对湿度非常必要,正确做法是在室内放置加湿器,或者每天使用半干的拖布拖地以保湿,使室内相对湿度达到40%~60%,这样做可以有效的避免地板表层开裂。

3. 地暖环境下,尽量避免使用家具、地毯大面积遮盖地板,否则会使此处地板由于热量无法散去,过分集中而导致地板受热不均,造成此处地板出现变形。



1. The underfloor heating system is used for the first time every year. It is advisable to increase the temperature no more than 3-5℃ every day, and gradually increase the temperature. When you use the underfloor heating system in winter, the surface temperature of the flooring is not allowed to exceed 27℃, otherwise high-temperature baking will accelerate the water loss in the floor, which is easy to cause the floor to crack.

2. As the weather turns cold, the outdoor dry air flowing into the room will increase the dryness and accelerate the deformation of the floor. At this time, it is very necessary to increase the indoor relative humidity. The correct method is to place a humidifier indoors, or use a humid mop (not too wet) to mop the floor every day to moisturize, so that the indoor relative humidity reaches 40% to 60%. This can effectively avoid the floor surface layer cracked.

3. Under the underheating environment, avoid using furniture and carpets to cover the floor in a large area, otherwise the floor will be unevenly heated due to excessive concentration, causing the floor to deform.

Finally, I would like to remind you that if you have installed solid wood flooring. The flooring is a continuation of the life of the tree. It requires reasonable lighting, timely ventilation and a suitable environment. Normally, the suitable maintenance methods can be used to ensure the beautiful appearance and excellent performance of the flooring.

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