原木色地板 ,真橡木地板
在Floorco地板众多受欢迎的颜色当中, 原木色地板是其中的翘楚。今天小编就带大家分析一下为什么原木色地板的人气一直居高不下,并展示一些Floorco原木色地板的铺装效果图。

FA01 Helsinki Natural Oak

FP09 Nice Natural Oak
其次, 原木色地板清新朴实,纯净自然,化繁为简,给人以温暖柔和之感。加之原木色地板木质肌理明晰,木头关节依稀可见,斑驳的木纹营造空间自然清新的格调。其浅浅的纹理视觉感很舒适,不会让人觉得夸张或者高调,可营造出一个平心静气的空间。

Barlinek Intense Oak
同时, 浅原木色地板拥有很好的提亮效果,特别是光面的浅原木色地板提亮效果更好,用于采光不足的房屋,能起到优秀的提高整体亮度的效果。

FP16 Lille Natural Oak
Nice Natural Oak wooden flooring, Timber and hardwood.
There are many engineered natural color lacquered oak wooden flooring in Floorco, including Multi-layer and three-layer of 150mm*14mm.
About the natural oak lacquer coating, it is tough and lasts longer without flaking, chipping, and cracking, protecting flooring from weather wear and tear. Besides, lacquer is thinner, which can make it penetrate deeper, providing a durable seal that protects the flooring from the inside out, making it harder for mold to get in and grow. What’s more, lacquer can remain clear for years without the yellowing usually associated with varnish, polyurethane, or shellac. In addition, the lacquer finished surface is easier to clean and wipe off than other finish ways.
From the aesthetic point of view, the smooth lacquered finish gives a real depth to this wooden floor. Meanwhile, the beveled edges help to create a feeling of days gone by. This combination creates a sleeker look and make the flooring looks especially good in a modern setting despite the vintage appearance.
Regards as the product size, Engineered natural wood board comes 190mm and 150mm wide and 1900mm length, making them suitable for most rooms. A wider plank will best enhance the space, helping it to appear less cluttered and larger than it really is. In contrast, a narrow size plank or smaller pattern may make the room appear too busy.
As for the color, the Natural Oak is the most classical color. With the classic natural oak tones, it gives a laid-back, welcoming, pure feeling, and a warm and soft feeling. Even though living in a downtown area, it still feels the breath of nature.
About the color matching, the wood-colored floor is easy to match with other colors, because the wood color floor has a very distinct natural atmosphere. The most common matching is white walls and white roofs with wood-colored floors (as is shown in photos). This combination is conservative, and one of the most classic. Besides, the natural lacquered wood color floor has a good brightening effect, used in houses with insufficient lighting, and can play an excellent effect of improving the overall brightness.
Regards as the installation, Our Natural oak flooring can be installed both two ways by floating and glue down, depending on the customers’ requirements. The biggest highlight is the hand-made stair nosing (as is shown in photos), which is 100% matched with the ground flooring. The hand-made stairs can make the whole house more harmonious with the flooring.